Track and Trace
Quality Business Standards
Total quality of operation is the key business rule of Intereuropa Group, the whole network of its organizational units and of each staff member….
Total quality of operation is our priority, providing  a fast, safe, economical, reliable and environmentally friendly logistics to our customers. We are establishing mutual relationships with our customers, complying with the quality criteria agreed upon. 

We are applying the European criteria on quality which allow us to be competitive, expand our operations and retain our market share. Total quality of operation reflects the culture of relations and the satisfaction of our staff, and aims at satisfying our customers, owners and social environment. 

The top management and executives, as well as all the staff, assume the responsibility for total quality of operation, and are fully dedicated to creativity and perfection of our services. We do not leave anything to chance : we closely monitor and endeavour to improve the quality of all service providing processes within our Group and outside, observing the impact on the environment. 

The result of our efforts to achieve total quality of operation is the long-term successful performance of our Group. 



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